Thursday 13 August 2015

A Cleaner Future Demands More Tallow

The rendered form of animal (and in quite a lot of modern cases, plant) fat, more commonly known as tallow, is gaining grounds in terms of demand. One of the key reasons for the use of tallow instead of unprocessed animal fat, which is also known as suet, is its higher shelf life. All tallow needs for longer durations of storage is an airtight container. Suet, on the other hand, requires additional refrigeration to avoid oxidation. While tallow was traditionally created from beef or mutton fat, modern sources also include pig lard and plants.

Tallow Uses: Food vs. Fuel

The global tallow fatty acid market today is growing at a CAGR of 2.3%, the window period being 2014 to 2020. The market registered a total volume of 1,484.3 kilo tons in 2013, which was worth US$2.34 billion. This volume is expected to increase and reach a market value of US$2.74 billion. These statistics point to the fact that the prognosis for the market is indeed a positive one, the prime reason for this being the extensive use of tallow in making soaps and detergents.

Browse Market Research Report of Tallow Fatty Acids Market:

Tallow holds the unique advantage of being a fat that has almost negligible commercial value in today’s fatty acids market. That makes the whole food vs. fuel debate drop tallow, allowing it to be used extensively in market segments other than food. These include soaps and detergents, along with candles, plastics, rubber, personal care products, and lubricants. One of the more recent mentions of tallow usage in food was before 1990, the year when McDonald’s stopped using their beef tallow-mixed cooking oil for French fries, using pure vegetable oil instead.

Plastics and Soaps Need More Tallow

The steadily increasing demand for tallow from most sources of fat can be attributed to the expanding markets for soaps and detergents, and rubber and plastics. Of the two, soaps and detergents held the greatest share of the global tallow fatty acid market in 2013 due to the industry’s expansion on a global scale. Another significant catalyst that could further drive the use of tallow is the reexamination of major players in the affiliated markets to create a more “green” approach towards meeting the new environmental challenges. Cleaning products are increasingly becoming more environment-friendly to place themselves in a market more conscious of these global issues.

Browse Market Research Press Release of Tallow Fatty Acids Market:

The Relation between Soaps and Monosaturated Fatty Acids

Monosaturated fatty acids with the groups of C16 and C18 are largely used in the manufacture of soaps and detergents, along with cosmetics. Owing to this, monosaturated fatty acids held nearly 45% of the global tallow fatty acid market in 2013. Other segments include polysaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids, which contain the sub-categories of stearic, palmitic, and myristic acids.

So long as the use of fatty acids for the manufacture of cleaning and personal grooming products continues, the global tallow fatty acids market will continue to grow. This growth is compounded by the demand of plastics from end users such as construction and packaging. All in all, it spells good days ahead for this market.

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