Wednesday 25 February 2015

KFC Finds Innovative Method to Leave Minimal Packaging Footprint – Edible Coffee Cup

Fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is developing a new range of coffee cups that customers needn’t bin once they’ve consumed the beverage. The coffee cups can simply be eaten up. The fully edible cups, which have been made using a biscuit wafer, coated in a layer of sugar paper, and then dipped in white chocolate that’s resistant to heat, has been aptly called the ‘Scoff-ee Cup’. The edible cups are being developed alongside the recent launch of Seattle’s Best Coffee across the company’s restaurants in the UK. These cups, which are still at the final stages of development, haven’t gone on sale just as yet. The company is hopeful of launching the cups in stores in 2015. However, KFC said that it has no plans of bringing the edible cups to the United States just as yet.

A spokeswoman for KFC said that the company, in a bid to appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers (the millennial generation, especially) has been experimenting with different techniques for developing packaging that is entirely edible. For now, the company intends to bring edible packaging to the market on a trial basis. However, as far as this current edible coffee cup goes, the company hasn’t specified the number of calories it will contain given that it’s predominantly made using sugar and chocolate.

Branding experts expect that this move will appeal immensely to Millennials who put their trust in brands that offer packaging and products that leave a minimal footprint. A number of recent studies have proven that there exists a massive market for packaging technologies that can reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of products and packaging.

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